Shin-Tate Great Coffee Campaign

Shin-Tatemachi’s shopping promenade is bustling the morning of the Shin-Tate Great Coffee Campaign (Shin Tate Daisakusen in Japanese), a unique street festival featuring exactly what you think!

In addition to the many booths, shops open up their doors wide to invite coffee lovers inside. Drip single-cup coffee is the most popular in Japan, and every cup is fresh.

In addition to coffee, many booths over fresh fruits, vegetables, and baked and jarred goods. Even the leather shop opens its doors to enjoy the sunshine, shine, shine, and the smell of coffee.

Each booth is unique, and many evoke the feeling of a miniature café.

Staying professional in the summer.

Several booths featured recycled goods, like carry-alls made from old coffee bean bags, or wood-ware stained chocolate with coffee grounds.

The entrance to Shin-Tatemachi’s shopping promenade, at the end of Tatemachi Street.
Shin-Tatemachi is a small, cobblestone shopping street directly extending from the end of Tatemachi Street. Visitors can find a variety of shops open any time of the year, including Nordic furniture, kitsch, leather and antique stores, as well as several small cafes and a popular bar.
Shin-Tatemachi runs between Tatemachi Street and the Sakura-bashi Bridge that leads directly into Kanazawa’s largest temple district, Teramachi, home of the Ninja Temple.
The Shin-Tate Great Coffee Campaign often happens in a late-May Sunday every year. However, for 2022, the event opens with the opening of the borders to tourists in October!
The entrance to Shin-Tatemachi is 350 meters from Kaname Inn Tatemachi.

About a decade ago Rachel fell off a bus and then fell in love with this traditional-crafts and ice-cream-consuming capital of Japan. Editor and amateur photographer with a penchant for nature and history. Not actually fifty songbirds in a trench coat. (Former penname: Ryann)